Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First Time Home Buyers Should Know Their Buying Power

One of the biggest frustrations for both parties (buyers and sellers) in a real estate transaction occurs when home buyers are not properly approved and thoroughly educated about their mortgage.

For example, a buyer made a full price offer on a $160,000 home that was accepted by the seller. The lender had pre-approved the buyer for the loan. However, the lender had not communicated the monthly payment on a $160,000 mortgage to the buyer.

When receiving that piece of information about three weeks after entering into the contract, the buyer was floored and nervous about making the purchase.

Needless to say, the buyer did not complete the purchase. Understandably, the seller was less than ecstatic about this turn of events.

Before making an offer on a home, always obtain a copy of the Good Faith Estimate that is required to be given to you by your lender within three days after completing a mortgage application.

What did you say? "You don’t have a lender."

"You haven't applied for a home mortgage by completing a Uniform Residential Loan Application (Fannie Mae Form 1003)."

"You didn’t receive a Good Faith Estimate before shopping for a home."

Do any of the previous statements read like Greek to you (and you don’t speak Greek)?

If any of these statements are true for your situation, you are not properly prepared to purchase a home. You might want to hire a team of professionals that will properly educate and guide you successfully through the process.

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